=MGN= Web Hosting ToS

P1 stands for a gaming world where each gamer treats another with respect.

=MGN= Web Hosting ToS

You agree to the following terms and conditions:

Trademark Use:

*To protect MGNclan.com, you are required to add this disclaimer to anything created in the name of =MGN=:

“=MGN= is an open movement for mature gamers who play for fun. Visit www.mgnclan.com/about/ for details. Legal: =MGN= clan logo is the property of MGNclan.com and MGNclan.com reserves all rights to that logo. All content, media, art or expressions visible here are this 100% the responsibility of their respective copyright holders and may not represent the views of MGNclan.com.”

You choose to indemnify and hold harmless our organization and its affiliates/agents from and against any liabilities and expenses (including attorney’s fees) reasonably incurred with respect to any action or proceeding brought or threatened to be brought before any court, administrative body, or other tribunal, or for any losses or perceived loses the use of our services might bring.

You agree to follow the Liquid Web Terms of Service as listed here: https://www.liquidweb.com/about/policies/dedicated-tos.html

You agree to comply with local and international laws.